Green Paper On Teacher Education In Europe - High Quality Teacher Education for High Quality Education and Training - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / w w w . c e p . e d u . r s / s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / g r e e n p a p e r . p d f

This Green Paper is based on the outcomes of continuous analyses, research and development by the sub-networks of the Thematic Network on Teacher Education in Europe (TNTEE). The membership of these multinational groups was drawn from all the countries of the European Union. The Green Paper is arranged in five main parts: Aims, context and overview (Part I), brief analysis of the current state of teacher education in the Member States of the European Union (Part II), description and analysis of changed and rapidly changing contexts of education and teacher education (Part III), presentation and discussion of some scenarios for reforms and improvements of teacher education (Part IV), presentation of some proposals for concrete measures relevant for teacher education reform and improvement (Part V).


Buchberger, F.; [u. a.]

Lange Beschreibung:

This Green Paper is based on the outcomes of continuous analyses, research and development by the sub-networks of the Thematic Network on Teacher Education in Europe (TNTEE). The membership of these multinational groups was drawn from all the countries of the European Union. The Green Paper is arranged in five main parts: Aims, context and overview (Part I), brief analysis of the current state of teacher education in the Member States of the European Union (Part II), description and analysis of changed and rapidly changing contexts of education and teacher education (Part III), presentation and discussion of some scenarios for reforms and improvements of teacher education (Part IV), presentation of some proposals for concrete measures relevant for teacher education reform and improvement (Part V).



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Lehrerausbildung Lehrerbildung Europäische Union Reform

freie Schlagwörter:

teacher education; Europe; European Union; education; improvement






Schule Schulwesen allgemein
Schule Schulwesen allgemein Lehrerberuf

Geeignet für:

Lehrer; Schüler