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Ariadne Pfad:


The breach in the dike : regime change and the standardization of public primary-school teacher training in Indonesia, 1893-1969 Link

[Suwignyo, Agus, 2012, Doctoral thesis, Leiden University] "The aim of the present study is to examine the transformation of teacher training in Indonesia from 1893 to 1969. Public teacher training altered over time to keep in step with the changing requirements in public primary school curricula which had been incurred by economic and political factors. (...)" Schlagwörter: Lehrerausbildung; Bildungsgeschichte; öffentliche Schule; Grundschule; Standardisierung; kolonial; postkolonial; Bildungsreform; Indonesien; Niederlande; Holländisch [Zusammenfassung: Angaben des Autors der Webseite ergänzt durch Redaktion Bildung Weltweit]
Aufgenommen am: 08.10.2015
Zuletzt geändert am: 08.10.2015

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