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Sweden - Early childhood care and education

Ministries, institutions

The website of the Ministry of Education and Research informs about people working there and the organisation of the ministry. Latest news are available as well as the latest publications or press releases. Areas of responsibility: education and research, gender equality, policy for civil society, youth policy.

The National Agency for Education is the central administrative authority for the public school system, publicly organised preschooling, school-age childcare and for adult education. The mission of the Agency is to actively work for the attainment of the goals set by the government. The website offers detailed information on the Swedish [...]


English version of the pre-school curriuculum in Sweden, published by the Ministry of Education and Science in Sweden and the National Agency for Education, publishing year 2019.


This summary presents the second national evaluation of the Swedish pre-school after the reform of 1998, when the pre-school received its own curriculum and became the first step for children into the overall education system. The aim of the evaluation is to follow up the results from the first national evaluation that was presented in the year of 2004 in the report [...]

Fallstudie der UNESCO, in der Reihe ´´Early Childhood and Family Policy Series´´ (Nr. 6 April 2003). Im ersten Teil wird ein Überblick über Elementarbildung in Schweden gegeben, der auch wichtige Reformen, politische Entwicklungen, Richtlinien und Gesetze sowie das Recht des Kindes auf Vorschulerziehung vorstellt. Im zweiten Teil wird die Integration der [...]

Background report (84 pages) from the Swedisch Ministry of Education and Science for the OECD, in conjunction with their participation in the project ´Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care´ 1998-2000.

Im Vergleich mit Deutschland werden Angebote und Art der Kinderbetreuung in Frankreich, Finnland und Schweden vorgestellt, wo es auch den Rechtsanspruch auf einen Kindergartenplatz gibt.

Expert contributions

Comparative analysis

Last Update: 05.06.2024  -

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