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Statistical offices and education statistics in European countries

The denominations of some countries deviate in different languages from each other, so also between English and German. In order to always get always the same alphabetical order e.g. in printed documents, among other things the European Union agreed on the fact that the alphabetical sequence should follow the order according the denomination in the national language. We follow this suggestion according to that alphabetical list.

Balgarija / Bulgarien / Bulgaria

The website offers data tables on: kindergartens (pre-primary education), basic and secondary education, higher education, vocational training in Vocational Training Centers (VTS), Vocational Gymnasiums and Vocational Colleges, continuing vocational training, adult education, educational expenditures and general data on education. In [...]

België - Belgien - Belgique / Belgien / Belgium

The Directorate General Statistics and Economic Information (DGSEI) is in charge of the national (official) statistics in Belgium. The DGSEI is also responsible for the production of European statistics. Educational statistics can be found in the data collections on population and economy.

Educational statistics of the statistical service of the Flemish government can be found under "Cijfers", table: "Onderwijs en vorming". Data for individual municipalities or regions can be found via "Lokale Statistieken".

The Bildungsserver is the website of the department for teaching, education and trraining and employment of the ministry of the German-speaking community. The section "Zahlen und Fakten" offers information on the budget as well as figures on pupils and teachers.

IWEPS offers statistics on pupils, students, advanced training and the educational level of the population.

Ceská republika / Tschechische Republik / Czech Republic

The website offers publications of statistical data in the form of text, tables (xls, pdf) and graphs. Links to archives containing previous editions are available by every current publication. In addition, there are links to external resources. Education statistics for individual regions are available via the regional statistics.

The Institute for Information on Education (IIE) is a contributory organization directly run by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The website offers national statistics on education but solely in Czech. There is also information on international statistics (Mezinárodní statistiky).

Danmark / Dänemark / Denmark

Education statistics of the Danish statistical office with a comprehensive collection of data tables on all education areas.

Education statistics from the Danish Ministry of Education.

Greenland; Denmark
Current and older publications on education statistics. The publications are in Danish.

Eesti / Estland / Estonia

The statistical office of Estonia offers statistics on the central areas of education.

España / Spanien / Spain

The National Statistical Institute offers a large collection of data on the following topics: university education, transition to the labour market, adult education, education expenditure, pre-university education, information technology in education.

The ministry of education offers statistics on non-university and university education.

France / Frankreich / France

The National Statistical Office in France offers key figures, detailed data, studies and analyses on education that can be selected by geographical level. The data is also available in English. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The French Ministry of Education has its own department for statistics, reports and evaluation, the Depp. It offers a wide variety of statistical data and educational reports on specific topics or educational sectors. Some publications are available in English. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This website of the French Ministry of Education offers a brief overview of key figures on education (quantity of pupils, teachers, certificates, institutions, and finances). You will furthermore find links to the following publications: "Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche" und [...]

Hellas / Griechenland / Greece

Under "Population and Social Conditions" EL.STAT offers data on following educational topics: Primary Education, Secondary Education, Post-secondary Education, Tertiary Education, Special Education, Education expenditure, Lifelong learning. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Ireland - Eire / Irland / Republic of Ireland

The CSO offers principal statistics on education, publications and surveys and related links.

Wide range of school statistics provided by the Department of Education and Skills.

Ísland / Island / Iceland

The statistical office of Iceland offers statistics on pre-primary institutions, compulsory schools, upper secondary schools and universities.

Italia / Italien / Italy

Most statistics are only available in Italian.

Kypros / Zypern / Cyprus

Cyprus, Republic of
Key figures on general education, schools, higher education and adult education.

Latvija / Lettland / Latvia

The website offers a few statistics on educational institutions.

Liechtenstein / Liechtenstein / Liechtenstein

The education statistics of Liechtenstein offer an overview of the education system, the educational behaviour of the population and inform about important developments in education. The data comprise information about public expenditure on education as well as data on education in European comparison.

On the website of the education authority of Liechtenstein the school statistics are available for download as full texts.

Lietuva / Litauen / Lithuania

Selected tables on education statistics of the statistical office.

The yearly review is intended for politicians, education managers, scholars, and everyone interested in the country´s education and the context of education. The publication presents key statistical indicators related to the international education indicator systems (UNESCO, OECD, and EU) as well as short explanations of the said [...]

The website offers education statistics from the statistical yearbook of the past years as pdf-downloads.

Luxembourg / Luxemburg / Luxemburg

The statistical office of Luxemburg offers statistics on the main education areas.

Magyarország / Ungarn / Hungary

The website gives access to a database, various statistical tables as well as a publication directory on education statistics.

Malte / Malta / Malta

This site of the homepage of the Maltese National Statistics Office offers a link list on information about the Maltese population. One of the publications - the education statistics - is an annual review of the educational performance in the Maltese Islands. Besides, the latest news releases are available to download as PDF-files and an [...]

Nederland / Niederlande / the Netherlands

The official Central Agency for Statistics (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek) in the Netherlands provides some news ony educational statistics as well as some educational statistics (facts/figures) and some in-depth articles. Furthermore, you will find online publications on statistical data in the Netherlands in general. The [...]

Norge / Norwegen / Norway

The website offers numerous statistical data on all areas of education as well as links to further statistical resources.

Österreich / Österreich / Austria

The website offers data on the following topics: formal education (child care, school education, higher education, educational expenditure, teaching staff), adult education, further training, lifelong learning, educational attainment and culture.

Polska / Polen / Poland

The website comprises statistics on school education, higher education and vocational education and training.

Portugal / Portugal / Portugal

The website offers a small number of education statistics.

The Statistic Department of the Portuguese Ministry of Labour provides pdf-files on vocational education.

România / Rumänien / Romania

The statistical office offers statistics on schools, school age population, teaching staff, infrastructure of education and graduates. Most of the data are only available upon payment.

Slovenija / Slowenien / Slovenia

Education statistics covers all levels of education: kindergartens, elementary schools, upper secondary schools with all education programs, post-secondary vocational colleges, higher education institutions with all education programs and all continuing education programs.

Slovenská republika / Slowakische Republik / Slovakia

Education and learning statistics provide information on activities of state, private and church schools and schools establishments respectively. These include in particular data on kindergardens, primary schools, secondary schools and universities, feeding in schools, scholarships and school facilities. Data sources are state [...]

Schweiz - Suisse - Svizzera / Schweiz/ Switzerland

The Swiss Federal Statistical Office offers in the subject area "Education and Sciences" plenty of up-to-date statistical data referring to all levels of education. These surveys provide an overall information on Switzerland but also on the single cantons. Almost all of these statistics can be downloaded.

Suomi - Finland / Finnland / Finland

KOTA is a statistical database maintained by the Finnish Ministry of Education. It contains data describing university performance by institutions and by fields of study from 1981 until 2009. Data from 2010 onwards will be shown on a new reporting system due to be released in 2011.

The official Finnish statistics agency provides statistics on all sectors of education in Finland. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Sverige / Schweden / Sweden

The education authority Skolverket ist responsible for the official statistics on preschool education, school education, adult education, education expenditure and Swedish education abroad. A comprehensive data collection is available.

The statistics shed light on Sweden's entire education system: pre-school, compulsory school, upper-secondary school, different forms of adult education, higher education and research, and the transition from school to working life.

The website offers data tables on formal education, non-formal education and education expenditures. Some of the publications are available as full texts.

Türkiye / Türkei / Turkey

United Kingdom / Vereinigtes Königreich / United Kingdom

United Kingdom
Compilation of statistical releases on children, education and skills.

United Kingdom
Ofsted regulates and inspects childcare and children’s social care and inspects: schools, colleges, initial teacher education, work-based learning and skills training, adult and community learning, education and training in prisons and other secure establishments, the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service [...]

United Kingdom
This section pulls together new and current research and evaluation projects, research centres, publications and data from a range of sites, making it easier to compare a selection of individual schools and to see all the information in one place.

United Kingdom
"This site contains the latest comprehensive range of official UK statistics and information about statistics as well providing free access to a selection of recently released publications in downloadable pdf format". The statistics offered comprise all areas of general education and vocational education and training.

England; United Kingdom
The website offers a range of education and skills statistics for all local areas in England.

Last Update: 25.10.2016  -

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