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Ariadne Pfad:


Gifted and talented students - educational policy and practice

Graffiti-writing "Gifted" behind the pub "Jug of Ale", Birmingham.
Copyright: Pete Ashton, "Gifted", CC BY-NC 2.0

This dossier focuses on the concept of "gifted, talented" children (who are often marked as "underachievers") - in the recent past, some countries have paid increased attention to the identification of special talents and on developing interventions targeting children's respective needs. In Europe, members of the European Parliament initiated the issue of a "Written Declaration on the importance of talent support" (November 2012). This declaration was not signed by enough members of the Parliament and hence was rejected in February 2013. Since 2011, a European Talent Day is celebrated. - In our dossier, you will find references to research literature, relevant organisations and networks, conferences and other relevant sites concerning giftedness.

Literature on the subject of giftedness

This link leads you to the results of a search for literature in giftedness and talent through different databases. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The link leads you to a search result from the German Electronic Journals Database on the topic of "giftedness / gifted education / talent". The journals listed come from different countries worldwide and have different access options or restrictions. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Perceptions of giftedness have, over the course of history, developed from a theological through a metaphysical to an empirical approach. This chapter will offer an overview of the latter approach, which has guided giftedness research since the end of the 19th century. First, the historical development of the concept of intelligence and its significance for giftedness research [...]

"The book International Horizons of Talent Support edited by János Gordon Gyori provides an overview of gifted and talented education in Austria, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain and the US." [Abstract: Site editor's information].

In this issue of the "Gifted Child Quarterly", 19 different authors are analyzing 19 myths or general assumptions on giftedness and gifted education from a critical point of view. The journal is published by the US American National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This Templeton Report on acceleration trumpets an alarm to the nation's schools on the need for providing accelerative experiences for its brightest students. [Summary: German Educational Portal / ERIC]

The author of this website is a teacher and holds a master in "Integrated Gifted Education". His lists provides you with information on wolrdwide journals with the focus on giftedness, gifted education and talent. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This paper investigates aspects of policy implementation that relate to 'Excellence in Cities', a UK government initiative. Local Education Authority (LEA) personnel and school teachers, responsible for implementing the Gifted and Talented (G&T) strand of that initiative, were interviewed. These co-ordinators were involved in the selection of school students to participate in [...]

Conferences and other events

United States of America
Beginning 10.08.2013

Abstract submission ends on May, 25th, 2013. The conference will take place from 10 to 14 August 2013. The theme of the conference is "Celebrating Giftedness and Creativity". The strands are: - Giftedness: Theory, Research, Practices, and Future Trends; - Creativity: Theory, Research, and Practices; - Assessment, Screening, and [...]

Beginning 07.04.2011

"On the occasion of the First European TalentDay organised as part of the Hungarian EU Presidency, policy makers, scientists, teachers, other stakeholders and experts discussed the importance, flexible framework and further possibilities of talent support at an international conference held in Budapest on 7-9 April, 2011." Including the Budapest Declaration on [...]

international; United States of America (USA)
Although the website look somewhat unprofessional at first sight, it nevertheless offers many links to conferences and other events dealing with giftedness and talented persons. There is a regional focus on the USA. The links are collected by a private person who works with many organisations in [...]

United States of America
Beginning 03.04.2013

"Join us in San Antonio for the CEC 2013 Convention & Expo – the largest professional development event dedicated to special and gifted education. There, educators from around the world will discuss the most pressing issues in special and gifted education and share information in areas such as common core state standards; administration and supervision; autism spectrum [...]

Beginning 14.07.2012

"Scope The 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness is exploring the key factors contributing to the empowerment of Gifted Children education. With a set of thought provoking keynote presentations, comprehensive sessions assessing progress made in gifted curriculums throughout Asia and rich activities, this event will establish educational benchmark for the [...]

United Kingdom

A drawing with explanation as if drwan in a exercise book.
The Three-ring Concept of Giftedness according to Renzulli.

Pursuant to the fact that specially gifted and talented students often score below average compared to their peers, the former government in the UK launched a programme in 2008 aiming to support "gifted and talented children". In view of empirically gained evidence, teachers were encouraged to recognise and foster giftedness in children. - The programme was discontinued after a change of government in 2010, see the Wikipedia contribution in Eurypedia, the European Wiki on education systems in Europe .

The review aimed to investigate which types of classroom interventions improve the educational achievement of children identified as gifted and talented. It looked at initiatives covering school pupils.

This guidance booklet starts from the principle that there is no single perfect instrument for identification - institutions are advised to use a 'best fit' model that draws on a range of evidence including qualitative and quantitative elements; largues that identification and provision are inseparable, because identification includes spotting potential through participation [...]

United Kingdom
An independent charity which works with the whole family to support the child who is gifted and talented. A relaunch of the site is planned for 2013.

International networks / organisations

Arranged alphabetically according to the name of the network / organisation

Africa; Africa South of the Sahara
The African Federation for the Gifted and Talented aims at supporting and promoting gifted and talented persons as well as pointing out to the theme "giftedness" in African educational policy in general. Among others, the Federation conducts Gift and Talent Testing and Gift Management in schools. The website [...]

Asia; Pacific Rim
The APFG brings together researchers and other persons interested in giftedness in the Asia-Pacific region. APFG organises the Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness (APCG). On their website, you can furthermore find a few online articles from their APFG-Journal, as well as a newsletter and news from different participating [...]

Central Europe; Eastern Europe; Austria; Slovenia; Poland; Czechia
"In 2005 the former Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science, and Culture (BM:BWK) together with the ÖZBF [Austrian Research and Support Centre for the Gifted and Talented] founded the “Central and Eastern European Forum for Gifted Education”. The objective of the [...]

United States of America (USA); Canada; international
CEC claims to be the "largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents". A lot of members nevertheless come from the USA and Canada. The Division of International Special Education and [...]

ECHA is an association of interest groups involved in high ability and giftedness, it addresses parents, pupils, teachers and researchers. The website offers link tips, a list of publications, and a forum for discussion as well as contact addresses in several countries.

Europe; Singapore; Israel; United States of America (USA)
"The desire to establish a Budapest-based European Talent Centre arose at the International Talent Support Conference in 2011, organised as part of the Hungarian EU Presidency programme." The website provides information on gifted education and research in Europa (and partly beyond, [...]

Latin America; Spain; Portugal
FICOMUNDYT brings together Spanish and Portugueses speaking countries and researchers interested in giftedness. The website offers information on the organisation and a small bibliography of literature in Spanish and Portuguese. FICOMUNDYT also organises the Congreso Iberoamericano de Superdotación, Talento y [...]

Germany; Switzerland; Austria
"IPEGE is an association of experts with experience over many years in gifted education and research. The members of the international study group are representatives of universities and educational colleges from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. This panel is managed and coordinated by the [...]

The World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc. (WCGTC) is a worldwide non-profit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents and others interested in the development [...]

Other countries - miscelleneaous sources

A photography of two hands holding a small present / gift.
The English word "gift" can be a "present" as well as a "talent" or "capability".
Copyright: asenat29, "Gift" CC BY 2.0
Listings of initiatives in individual countries

This English Wikipedia article lists schools and initiatives with special giftd and talented prgrammes worldwide. [Source: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Although the website look somewhat unprofessional at first site, it nevertheless offers many links to organisations worldwide that deal with giftedness and talented persons. The links are collected by a private person who works with many organisations in the field of giftedness and who has already written a lot of articles or [...]

Websites of individual countries
(Arranged alphabetically according to the country)

The Gifted Education Research, Resource and Information Centre ( GERRIC) at the University of New South Wales is Australia's leading research centre in the field of gifted education. Apart from its research, the centre offers holiday programmes for gifted school students of all ages, seminars and counselling for parents, courses for [...]

The Association gives information about its activities and provides numerous further resources, e.g. counselling service, texts of conferences, books and videos available or to lend, family and government activities concerning gifted children.

China, People's Republic of; Hong Kong
Official site of the Special Administrative Region Hongkong (China) on the subject of giftedness and talented education. The site provides many resources on the topic, like e.g. the official position of the government on this issue, activities, documents (Gifted Education Resource Bank), or links to other [...]

AFEP is the French association for gifted and talented children and youths. AFEP is supported and aknowledged by the French Ministry for Education. The website offers information on the French legislative history concerning giftedness (including laws, decrees etc), on their activities, in formation for parents and children, a [...]

"Gifted and Talented Network Ireland is the national association in Ireland advocating for the educational needs of gifted children and supporting parents of gifted children. GT Network is a network of Gifted Advocacy Groups in Ireland." Among others, the network advocates for "specific Initial Teacher Education in the needs of gifted [...]

New Zealand
The Gifted Education Centre was founded in 1995 as the George Parkyn Centre and aims at supporting children, parents and educators dealing with giftedness. The website provides online articles by the centre's staff on giftedness, links to other organisations in New Zealand, Australia, and worldwide, as well as links to online [...]

Unfortunately, the website is not available in English any more. You can find a former version of the website in English in the Internet Archive (as of 2018).
Established in 1999, the ÖZBF "focuses on the [...]

Switzerland; Germany; Austria
The "Network Promoting Giftedness" provides information on giftedness and its promotion in Switzerland. You will find information on its activities, a list of professionals (consulting, advice), a link list for organisations in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, fulltext publications, information from the [...]

This Swiss website offers courses for further training in the promotion of giftedness, teaching material, and a few different definitions, theories and models of intelligence and giftedness / talent. These are somewhat hidden behind the row of symbols on the front page. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

international; United States of America (USA)
The Neag Center at the University of Connecticut is part of the National Research Center on Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT). Together with the University of Virginia they do research on giftedness, gifted education and promotion. While Neag concentrates on mathematics, the University of Virginia [...]

United States of America (USA)
SENG is one of the most well-known and probably also one of the oldest (starting in 1981) organisations in the USA dealing with giftedness among children and adults. Whereas, according to SENG, other organisations and institutions rather focus on the intellectual needs of gifted people, SENG draws its attention [...]

international; United States of America (USA)
Together with the Neag Center at the University of Connecticut, the University of Virginia is part of the National Research Center on Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT). Both do research on giftedness, gifted education and promotion. While Neag concentrates on mathematics, the University of Virginia [...]

United States of America (USA)
NAGC is the national association for the gifted and talented in the USA. Its website offers very broad information and resources on the subject (publications, events, teaching and learning material, ...). These are partly sorted by target groups (administrators, educators, parents), partly by subject (Advocacy & [...]

United States of America (USA); international; China, People's Republic of; Russian Federation [...]
The Belin-Blank Center is one of the leading centres for research on giftdeness in the USA. It is also known internationally. The website offers information on study programmes and events, as well as on advisory services and the Institute for [...]

United States of America (USA)
Until ca. 2016, the US-American Center for Gifted Education Policy (CGEP) offered a list of institutions in the USA that deal with giftedness and talent, their promotion and research on the subject. Unfortunately, the center does no longer provide that list on their website. Therefore we link to a copy from the [...]

Last Update: 05.06.2018  -

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