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All you need to know about education in Peru

A selection of websites from our database is provided below concerning the following topics:

 You will find further websites and literature on Peru here:

  1. Websites on Peru
  2. Literature on Peru External Link (German Education Research Portal)
Alternatively, you can search for specific educational topics, institutions and more in Peru in our databases.

Overviews of the education system in Peru

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium [...]
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). [...]

Ministries responsible for education and science in Peru

The pages of the Peruvian Education Ministry are providing full text information concerning all issues of education and education policy in this county, the Ministry and its activities and mission, projects of modernization, publications and events (congresses), statistical diagnoses and analyses.

The National Youth Office (SENAJU) is an organism of the Peruvian state under the direction of the ministry of education. It is the central institution for youth affairs in Peru. SENAJU is entrusted with the promotion, the coordination and the evaluation of policies, projects and programs which deal with youth affairs in the public or [...]

The General Direction of Regular Basic Education is responsible for the formulation and the structured proposal of policies of education, of objectives, pedagogical strategies, norms and orientations in the national realm of early, primary and secondary education. It is dependent of the vice ministry of pedagogical management.

The Direction of Educational Research, Supervision and Documentation (DISDE) is a specialized organ of the ministry of education which is charged with the promotion and implementation of the research which can serve as basis for the development of a qualitative educational supply, as well as with the supervision and the verification of [...]

The National Education Council (CNE) is a technical, specialized, consultative and autonomous organ which is subordinate to the ministry of education. Its task is to contribute to the formulation, the arrangement, the implementation and the evaluation of the national education project as well as to develop, together with the ministry of [...]

The Directorate of University Coordination (DCU) is an organism of the ministry of education which is entrusted with the task to check and to analyze the university situation in Peru to provide the top management with effective information and professional jugement and to promote spaces of dialogue about fundamental problems of higher [...]

Educational reports on and education statistics for Peru

The pages of the Peruvian Education Ministry are providing full text information concerning all issues of education and education policy in this county, the Ministry and its activities and mission, projects of modernization, publications and events (congresses), statistical diagnoses and analyses.

The area orientation website (Landeskundiche Informationsseite/ LIS) on Peru is one out of more than 30 profiles provided by the preparatory institution for development co-operation (V-EZ) of the InWEnt together with four partner institutions. Structured texts have been elaborated as an information source for experts who prepare [...]

The Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas e Informática (INEI), the central statistical office in Peru, offers education statistics on its website. The topics dealt with are analphabetism, teacher statistics, curricula, alumni and years of study in Peru. These educational statistics are accessible via the following path: Peru en cifras - [...]

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of [...]

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium [...]
The PEER portal is obviously the successor to the earlier Unesco Country Dossiers (see the Internet Archive). [...]

international; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia [...]
This page provides a country list with fact sheets on the Human Development Index (HDI). The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are [...]

The department Estadística de la Calidad Educativa (ESCALE) of the ministry of education presents educational statistics. On the homepage, the statistical data can be categorized in different ways. The data are up-to-date (stand: July 2011). Also, the homepage offers links to other statistical institutions.

Last Update: 09.03.2016  -

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