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Bildungspraxis at Education Systems International

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United States of America (USA)
This website of the U.S. department of Education provides the text of the law and additional information and materials to the Parts B and C of the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act" (IDEA). Part B deals with Children and youth (ages 3-21), Part C with Infants and toddlers (birth-2). The website provides information on the implementation of the law, guidelines and [...]

Published by Tufnell Press (UK), this book series focusses on ethnography and education. 7 issues have been published so far. A focus is on research that deals with the consequences of educational practice and policy, and which questions educational structures, policy and practice and develops new theories for this issues. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe (EIPPEE) is the follower to the project EIPEE (2010/11, back then without the second P for practice). The second project phase lasted from March 2011 to Spring 2013. The project aimed to increase the use of evidence to inform decision-making in education policy and practice across Europe. After 2013, EIPPEE carried [...]

This is the website of the Association for Moral Education (AME). It provides an interdisciplinary forum for scientists interested in the moral dimensions of educational theory and practice. The Association is dedicated to fostering communication, co-operation, training, curriculum development, and research that links moral theory with educational practice.

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