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Transfer at Education Systems International

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The Adacemy is meant to be an interface between science and research, society, and politics. It also advices the government in many issues. Its approximately 50 members are organised in 5 commissions that represent all the scientific fields from Natural Sciences to Humanities. The website provides information on activities (conferences etc.), publications, the Academy's [...]

Russian Federation
"The academy is supposed to be a link between basic research and applied sciences on the one hand, and education, psychology and adjacent disciplines on the other hand. Moreover it shall help to transfer basic educational assumptions to practical school and professional training." The website, which is available only in Russian, provides a lot of information and fulltexts: [...]

Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe (EIPPEE) is the follower to the project EIPEE (2010/11, back then without the second P for practice). The second project phase lasted from March 2011 to Spring 2013. The project aimed to increase the use of evidence to inform decision-making in education policy and practice across Europe. After 2013, EIPPEE carried [...]

Argentina; international
The International Unesco Institute for Educational Planning (IIPE) with its regional office in Buenos Aires (Argentina) is a research centre as well as a centre for training, documentation and dissemination. Together with the two other offices in Paris (France) and Dakar (Senegal) it constitutes a forum for exchange of ideas and concepts with regard to the planning and the [...]

South-East Asia; Brunei Darussalam; Indonesia; Cambodia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) runs 26 spezilised institutes for research, training and transfer. You will find the following institues with an educational focus: * SEAMEO Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) * SEAMEO Regional Centre for Community Education Development (SEAMEO CED) * SEAMEO [...]

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