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Es wurden 42 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • New Understanding of Ancient Math

    Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Students look at a photo, read an article and answer these 6 basic news questions (New York Times Lesson 2010-15).

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  • Evolution

    { "Select.HE": "DE:Select.HE:1741899" }

  • Pharaoh's Obelisk

    Teacher's guide to the TV-program, with printable and online activities (USA 2010-19).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:985785" }

  • Women's Rights and Roles in American History

    This resource presents primary sources and document-based teaching activities related to women's rights and changing roles in American history (USA: The National Archives 2019).

    { "HE": [] }

  • The United Nations at 60

    The UN`s 60th birthday 2005 offers an opportunity for students to learn about the organization`s history and to consider some problems it faces (USA: 2005-2019).

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  • Why nations should pursue ʺsoftʺ power

    India is fast becoming a superpower, says Shashi Tharoor -- not just through trade and politics, but through ʺsoftʺ power. He argues that in the long run it's not the size of the army that matters as much as a country's ability to influence the world's hearts and minds (TED Talk Lesson 2015-17).

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  • The Case of the missing S. B. Anthony Dollar

    { "HE": "DE:HE:784128" }

  • International Trade

    Numerous lessons explore international trade (EconEd 2006-19)

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  • Women's Lives in Mesopotamia

    Using excerpts from ancient tablets, Lynn Reese, Director of the Women in World History Project asks students to evaluate the quality and the characteristics of women's lives in Ancient Mesopotamia (USA: 2005-19).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:293258" }

  • Egypt's Golden Empire

    Lesson Plans on Hieroglyphs and Communication, Tombs and the Afterlife, The Queens of Ancient Egypt, Egypt's Greatest Leaders, Architectural Marvels, A Day in the Life of an Egyptian, Touring Ancient Egypt, The Science and Technology of Ancient Egypt (PBS, USA 2010-19)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:985805" }

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