world - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: WORLD)

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1 bis 10
  • BBC World Service

    News from all corners of the world, also a section titled ʺSpecial Reportsʺ (2009-22)  

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  • IMF, World Bank, WTO

    IMF, World Bank, WTO

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  • World Values Survey

    The  World Values Survey explores changing values and their impact on social and political life (2022).

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  • World history

    Lehrfilme führen in Grundlagen des Geschichtsunterrichts zu allen Epochen ein  (USA, Khan Academy 2017).

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  • What Is the Liberal World Order?

    In this educational video, explore the organizations and agreements that have promoted global peace and prosperity since the end of World War II, as well as the challenges that the liberal world order now faces (USA: World 101 / 8 Minutes / 2023)

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  • Waldseemüller’s Map: World 1507

    For the first time, the 1507 World Map by Martin Waldseemüller labels America and shows the continent as a separate land mass (USA: LOC 2018).

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  • The World Bank: Climate Change

    The World Bank is particularly concerned with the ramifications climate change will have on people in the developing world (2009-18).

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  • The World Bank

    Established in 1944 the World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world (2016-20). 

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  • World Bank: Topics

    The World Bank helps developing countries find solutions to development challenges—from adapting to climate change to boosting food security or fighting corruption. Here these development topics are listed (World Bank 2020).

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  • The National Archives: First World War 100

    Zum 100. Jahrestag des 1. Weltkriegs hat das britische Staatsarchiv eine eigene Website eingerichtet, die die online zugänglichen Quellen zu erschließen hilft (2014).

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