Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: DATA) und (Lernressourcentyp: KARTE) ) und (Systematikpfad: POLITIK)

Es wurden 4 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 4
  • Civicus

    The project shares up-to-date data on the state of civil society freedoms in all countries. An interactive world map allows visitors to access live updates from civil society around the world (2018-22).

    { "HE": [] }

  • Why people flee

    Using satellite data, the global map helps explain migration (USA: University of Cincinnati 2018)

    { "HE": [] }

  • Origins and Destinations of the World's Migrants 1990-2017

    This interactive map allows visitors to view a series of data visualizations about how migration around the world has evolved between 1990 and 2017 (USA 2018).

    { "HE": [] }

  • Flüchtlingsstrom nach Europa - The flow towards europe

    Europe is experiencing the biggest refugee crisis since World War II. Based on data from the United Nations, we clarify the scale of the crisis. Bewegte Visualisierung der Flüchtlingsströme.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00011846" }

Vorschläge für alternative Suchbegriffe:

[ suchen [ Gesellschaft [ Geographieunterricht [ Geografieunterricht [ Erdkundeunterricht [ search [ retrieval [ research [ query [ processing [ informatische Bildung [ elearning [ abfragen [ Verarbeitung [ Training [ Teachware