Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: GERMANY) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT") ) und (Lernressourcentyp: PORTAL)

Es wurden 10 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 10
  • Economist Intelligence Unit: Germany

    The ʺEconomistʺ provides economic, political and socio-demographic informations on Germany and all countries (2019).

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  • Federal Statistical Office of Germany

    Here the Stistisches Bundesamt publishes selected press releases on its English website (2023).

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  • Centre for Holocaust Education

    The University College London provides classroom materials, resouces and lesson plans (UK 2019).

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  • The National WWII Museum

    Lesson plans, essays, and multimedia resources (USA 2020)

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  • Federal Statistical Office

    The agency provides statistical information about Germany (2018).

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  • Internationale Politik Quarterly

    INTERNATIONALE POLITIK QUARTERLY (IPQ) is the English edition of INTERNATIONALE POLITIK (IP), Germany's leading foreign affairs magazine, offering a Berlin view on foreign affairs (2023).

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  • German News

    In addition to Deutsche Welle there are many magazines and newspapers that provide news from Germany in English: SPIEGEL, FAZ, WELT, SZ (2023)

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  • The Nizkor Project

    ʺNizkorʺ is a Hebrew word; it means ʺwe will remember.ʺ In addition to providing an extensive archive of documents regarding the Holocaust, including the transcripts of the 1st Nuremberg Tribunal, the Nizkor Project also seeks to expose the activities of Holocaust deniers themselves (2009-20).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:786198" }

  • The Federal Chancellery

    The Federal Chancellery in Pictures (Bundesregierung 2009-13)

    { "Select.HE": "DE:Select.HE:304445", "HE": "DE:HE:304445" }

  • The European Resistance Archive

    ERA ist ein Online-Archiv der Widerstandsaktivitäten gegen Faschismus und Besatzung während des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Europa. Den Kern dieses Webportals bilden vorerst 20 Videointerviews mit Frauen und Männern, die am antifaschistischen Widerstand in verschiedenen europäischen Ländern teilgenommen haben.

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:37303", "HE": "DE:HE:174590" }