Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: HAYMARKET)

Es wurden 3 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 3
  • A9 The Tragedy of Haymarket

    Arbeitsinsel 9

    { "HE": "DE:HE:112012" }

  • The Dramas of Haymarket

    The Dramas of Haymarket itself is organized in the form of a drama, a tragedy in five Acts with a Prologue and an Epilogue. The seven major parts of the site-the Prologue, the five Acts, and the Epilogue-are arranged chronologically.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:112013" }

  • The Dramas of Haymarket

    ʺThe Dramas of Haymarket itself is organized in the form of a drama, a tragedy in five Acts with a Prologue and an Epilogue. The seven major parts of the site - the Prologue, the five Acts, and the Epilogue - are arranged chronologically. While the site devotes considerable attention to the Haymarket protest meeting on the evening of May 4, 1886, at which several policemen ...

    { "HE": [] }

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