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Ariadne Pfad:


New blog series by NORRAG and INEE: "Towards Evidence-Based Financing for Education in Emergencies" Link

"This post introduces a new blog series by NORRAG [Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training] and INEE [Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies ] to promote discussion of and explore the linkages between financing and evidence for education in emergencies (EiE). The strikingly low share of international humanitarian funding allocated to education is not sufficient to support the unprecedented need of children in crisis contexts. As the average length of displacement increasingly exceeds the duration of a typical basic education cycle, business-as-usual approaches to EiE and funding have shown their limits. How do we ensure sufficient funding for EiE? Can we identify what works in EiE and develop an evidence-based approach to funding it? This blog series will invite EiE experts to engage with relevant questions on intersections between increasing EiE financing and strengthening the EiE evidence base." [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Release date: 05.06.2018
Update: 05.06.2018

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