Ergebnis der Suche (593)

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5921 bis 5930
  • Earthquakes for Kids

    U.S. Geological Survey 2009

    { "Select.HE": "DE:Select.HE:849922", "HE": "DE:HE:849922" }

  • Unterrichtsmagazin und Wanderausstellung: MITEINANDER: Integration gestalten

    Mit dem Zeitbild WISSEN-Magazin MITEINANDER. Integration gestalten erhalten Lehrkräfte und Akteur/innen der außerschulischen Bildung interaktive Unterrichtsmaterialien zum Themenkomplex Integration und Migration. Mithilfe der Technik Augmented Reality bietet die Printausgabe ergänzende digitale Inhalte, wie Videos, Interviews, Bilder und Grafiken. Neben Sachinformationen ...

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:61924", "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00016798" }

  • Earthquakes explained

    Earthquakes are one of the most common natural disasters on earth. But why do they happen? (3 minutes / explainity® explainer video 2023)

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  • Earthquakes

    Students explore the causes of earthquakes, including the role of tectonic plates, and consider the efforts scientists are making to better understand and predict these sometimes deadly events (USA: PBS 2023).

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  • Eartquakes

    List of activities to explore earthquakes, sorted either by grade level or by topic (USA: Oklahoma Geological Survey 2023)

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  • When The Earth Shakes

    This short animated video helps you prepare for an earthquake (USA: FEMA 2023)

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  • Why are earthquakes so hard to predict?

    Why are earthquakes so hard to anticipate, and how could we get better at predicting them? Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl investigates. (TedEd 2023)

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  • What to Do When the Next Megaquake Hits

    This episode tells you what experts think is the best way to survive an disaster (12 minutes / USA: PBS 2023). 

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  • Vital Signs of the Planet: Graphics and Multimedia

    NASA hosts this collection of resources: a variety of simulations, short documentaries, infographics, and interactive quizzes (USA 2016).

    { "HE": [] }

  • The Chicago Public Library: Chicago History

    Facts about Chicago, Digital Collections, Encyclopedia of Chicago, Timeline etc.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:112015" }

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