Bilingualer Unterricht - Englisch - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen (3)

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21 bis 30
  • zebis (CH)

    Der Schweizer Bildungsserver veröffentlicht auch Vorschläge für den CLIL-Unterricht, deren Eignung geprüft wurde (2023).

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  • The New York Times Learning Network

    Nachrichten- und Bildungsnetzwerk der NYT für Schüler und Lehrer auf der Grundlage aktueller Nachrichten.

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  • Bilinguale Module

    Beispiele für fünf Fächer aus dem Thüringer Schulportal (2017)

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  • The Glossary of Education Reform

    What is a norm-referenced test? What does it mean for a student to be ʺcollege-readyʺ? What does project-based learning entail? The Glossary of Education Reform is intended to make jargon and terminology used in educational policy circles accessible (USA: Great Schools Partnership 2017-21).

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  • Preventing Plagiarism

    The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) offers this collection of resources for teaching students about plagiarism and strategies for avoiding plagiarism while writing (USA 2017).

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  • Podcast More or less

    The podcast tries to make sense of the statistics which surround us (UK: BBC Radio 4 2017).

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  • tes: Teaching Resources

    The weekly ʺThe Times Educational Supplementʺ has developed a website featuring classroom resources that are uploaded by teachers (UK 2018-22).

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  • TED Lesson Plans

    Diese Plattform bietet zahlreiche Erklärvideos zu allen Fächern an, die in den Unterricht integrierbar sind (2018).

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  • Wisc-Online

    The non-profit organization offers a repository of high-quality educational learning materials to learners and educators (USA 2018).

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  • STEM to STEAM: Resources Toolkit

    For educators looking for ways to introduce interdisciplinary elements into their classrooms, this project may fit the bill. Readers will find links to three curated collections of resources aimed towards helping teachers use integrated studies to increase students' engagement (USA 2018).

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