Ergebnis der Suche (8)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( ( ( (Freitext: SCHULUNTERRICHT) und (Systematikpfad: POLITIK) ) und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) ) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE I") ) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Systematikpfad: "PARLIAMENT AND GOVERNMENT")

Es wurden 77 Einträge gefunden

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71 bis 77
  • Starbucks oder Café au Lait

    Wie sich europäisches Lobbying vom Lobbyismus in den USA unterscheidet und warum sich das bald ändern könnte, erklärt Daniel Freund von Transparency International im Netzdebatte-Interview (2015).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2921026" }

  • Living Democracy

    The six Council of Europe “Living Democracy” manuals provide teachers with high-quality lesson materials which enable teachers to introduce citizenship and human rights education into their schools in a fun, interactive and challenging way (2015).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2811895" }

  • The power of lobbyists in Brussels

    In Brussels, about 30,000 people only have one mission - to influence European Commissioners and members of European Parliament in the making of laws. (3 minutes / 2021)

    { "HE": [] }

  • Regulation of lobbying across the EU

    The infographic illustrates the differences between Member States’ approaches to regulating lobbying, as well as the existence of codes of conduct for lobbyists, and registers of lobbyists (European Parliamentary Research Service Blog 2021).

    { "HE": [] }

  • The truth about lobbying: 10 ways big business controls government

    From trying to stop plain packaging on cigarettes to opening the countryside to fracking, big business employs lobbying companies to persuade government to meet their interests. But what are the tricks of their trade? (UK: The Guardian 2015-21)

    { "HE": [] }

  • Explore Parliament (U.K.)

    Parliamentary Education Unit with links to other websites which help to explain parliament and government; details of how to use the online activities; curriculum maps which show how the online activities can be used in teaching various parts of the curriculum (U.K. Parliament Home Page 2010) .

    { "HE": "DE:HE:218823" }

  • Government in Britain

    Umfangreiche, lehrbuchartige Darstellung von (2012-15)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1464120" }

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