Ergebnis der Suche (157)

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1561 bis 1570
  • German History in Illinois

    Students explore the causes of the German immigration to the U.S. and specifically to Illinois in the mid-19th century (USA: Mythic Mississippi Project 2023).

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  • Debating Workers' Rights at Walmart

    A wave of protests by Walmart workers highlights the low wages and anti-union climate facing workers at Walmart - and many other companies. In two readings, students explore the debate over Walmart’s business model and labor practices and find out about recent protests at Walmart stores across the country (Teachable Moment USA 2013-20).

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  • Internet Privacy: A Personal & Political Issue

    In this interactive lesson, students consider the issue of internet privacy, both in their own lives and in society, including government spying, parental monitoring, and corporate tracking of consumers. What is the connection and potential conflict between safety and privacy, both on a personal and institutional level? (USA: TeachableMoment 2013-20)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1708297" }

  • Deutschland und Großbritannien im Vergleich

    Dominik Ahlenkamp und Benjamin Klein überlegen in ihrer Hausarbeit, wie der Vergleich zweier Regierungssysteme fachlich korrekt, handlungsorientiert und kompetenzbasiert im Unterricht unternommen werden könnte. Sie liefern eine ausführliche Sachanalyse und untersuchen die Regierungssysteme Deutschlands und Großbritanniens (Universität Duisburg-Essen: CIVES-Forum #8, ...

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  • William Penn's Peaceable Kingdom

    By juxtaposing the different promotional tracts of William Penn and Francis Daniel Pastorius, students understand the ethnic diversity of Pennsylvania along with the “pull” factors of migration in the seventeenth century English colonies (USA: Edsitement 2018).

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  • Make Way for Democracy

    The National World War I Museum and Memorial, in collaboration with the Google Cultural Institute, has created this powerful online exhibit that allows visitors to learn about the role of African-Americans in World War I. It portrays the lives of African Americans during the war through a series of rare images, documents and objects (USA 2017).

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  • Fear of Foreigners: A Cartoon History of Nativism in America

    In this lesson students learn that the recent anti-immigrant rhetoric follows a long tradition of nativist sentiment in America (The Lowdown, USA 2016)

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  • Voces Oral History Project

    This oral history archive in the United States captures untold stories of Latinos and Latinas who served, in the military or on the home front, during World War II. Now the archive has expanded to include the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and Political and Civic Engagement, focusing on the continuing fight for Latino civil rights (USA: University of Texas at Austin ...

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  • The History of Medicare

    Students analyze data and documents associated with the creation of Medicare. They compare statements both for and against the program, and they analyze how those who supported and opposed Medicare in the early and mid-1960s would have responded to the question posed by the essential dilemma (USA: EconEd 2019).

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  • Is Applying for Jobs Online Not an Effective Way to Find Work?

    Paul Solman explores whether it is worth it to apply online or if there are better strategies to get employed. This video is from the Making Sen$e with Paul Solman video series from PBS (2014-20).

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