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51 bis 60
  • How to Learn Math: For Students

    Stanford University offers this unique online course designed to help students of all ages and levels (and their instructors) develop ʺstrategies to learn and to relate to math well.ʺ (2017)

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  • Mathematics Teacher Resources

    The University of Michigan Library offers this helpful list of web resources for teaching mathematics (USA 2017).

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  • Beautiful Math

    What makes mathematics beautiful? The National Museum of Mathematics asks that question to a number of famous mathematicians and records their answers in this series (USA 2017).

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  • YouTube: The Math Forum at NCTM

    Mathematics educators can find a number of conference presentations of interest (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics USA 2017).

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  • Math Ed Podcast

    Designed for mathematics educators, the podcast features conversations with experts across the globe about a wide variety of issues relating to mathematics instruction and the latest research in the field (USA 2017).

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  • youcubed

    From Stanford University's Graduate School of Education, youcubed is a center dedicated to providing research-based resources for teaching mathematics (USA 2017).

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  • Estimation 180

    Mathematics teacher Andrew Stadel has created Estimation 180, a compilation of classroom activities and lesson plans that center on the skill of estimation (USA 2017).

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  • Thinking Mathematics!

    James Tanton's website offers a number of resources for math teachers, including instructional videos, puzzles, essays, and more (USA 2018).

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  • Worldwide Center for Math

    The mathematics publishing company Worldwide Center for Math offers a number of instructional videos related to upper-level mathematics, including algebra, trigonometry, and precalculus (YouTube 2018).

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  • Statistics in Schools: Math Activities

    This collection of activities is designed to engage students by using real-life data. (US Census Bureau's Statistics in Schools program 2018)

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