Ergebnis der Suche (2)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( ( (Freitext: SCHULUNTERRICHT) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE II") ) und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) ) und (Systematikpfad: DEMOCRACY) ) und (Systematikpfad: "SPRACHEN UND LITERATUR")

Es wurden 208 Einträge gefunden

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11 bis 20
  • What Is The Attention Economy?

    ʺWhen information becomes abundant, attention becomes the scarcest resource.” This is a powerful opening statement for this animated video from RSA Shorts, about the attention economy. But what exactly is the attention economy? (2021)

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  • Media Landscapes: Europe

    Expert summaries and analyses of the state of media in European countries as well as its neighbouring states (2021)

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  • Blue Feed, Red Feed

    Social networks like facebook can create “echo chambers,” where users see posts only from like-minded friends and media sources. To demonstrate how reality may differ for different Facebook users, The Wall Street Journal created two feeds, one “blue” and the other “red.” (USA 2019)

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  • Should the state be involved in regulating the press?

    Do news publishers need a watchdog with sharper teeth? Is effective regulation possible in the age of the internet? And what powers should it have? (UK. Guardian 2017)

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  • Internet Skills Tutorials

    GCF Global offers this collection of free online tutorials relating to various types of internet skills, including basic internet use, online safety, social media, and email, as well as a series of tutorials dedicated to Google apps (USA 2019).

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  • How Social Media is Shaping Our Political Future

    Drawing on her personal path from indifferent citizen to passionate campaigner, Victoria Bonney implores us to examine the ways citizens and elected officials alike are using social media to change democracy (USA 2020).

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  • Experts discuss whether social media is good for democracy

    Three academics talk about the impact of social media on democracy. Dr Ethan Plaut, Dr Maria Armoudian and Associate Professor Lech Janczewski discuss the pros and cons of social media on democracy (17 minutes / NZ 2020).

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  • BBC

    Britische Nachrichtensendung (2017-20)

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  • Digital News Report

    Der jährlich erscheinende Bericht beschäftigt sich mit der Informationsverbreitung über das Internet (Universität Oxford 2021).

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  • PBS NewsHour

    Nachrichtensendung des größten nicht-kommerziellen TV/Radio-Senders der USA (2017).

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