Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( ( (Freitext: UNITED) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE I") ) und (Schlagwörter: HOW) ) und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH)

Es wurden 9 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 9
  • How Parliament works in nearly 60 seconds

    A fun and speedy guide to the role of UK Parliament, including the House of Commons, House of Lords and the monarchy (UK Parliament 2018)

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  • How Parliament holds government to account

    The short video helps to find out about the different ways government is held to account by Parliament, including Prime Minister and Minister’s questions and the work of select committees (UK Parliament 2014-19).

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  • How is power divided in the United States government?

    TED-Ed Lesson by Belinda Stutzman (2020)

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  • How to fix the United Nations

    As the United Nations turns 75 years old, the world order it established has never been under greater strain. Antonio Guterres, the UN secretary-general, explains how—and why—international cooperation needs to be fixed (13 minutes / The Economist 2020).

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  • How does the General Election work?

    The UK Parliament provides a fun and speedy guide to how the UK general election works (UK 2018).

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  • Here’s How America Uses Its Land

    Readers find an interactive visual explanation of land use in the continental United States based on different categorizations used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USA: Bloomberg 2018)

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  • How Presidents and Vice Presidents Are Elected

    Artikel ʺThe president and vice president of the United States campaign together and are elected as a team and not individually following the adoption of the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was drafted to prevent the nation's two highest elected officials from being from opposing political parties. The amendment made it more difficult, but not impossible, ...

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  • German vs. American Health Care

    Germany’s health-care system spends nearly half as much as the United States but still manages to cover 100% of its population through a mix of public and private insurance schemes (11 minutes / USA: CNBC 2019-21).

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  • The Invasion of America

    Explore how the U.S. acquired North America in this interactive map of every Native American land cession since the birth of the nation (USA 2020).

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[ why [ Politik und Wirtschaft [ whose [ who [ where [ when [ what [ questions [ question words [ interrogative pronouns [ gap exercise [ englische Sprache [ Pronomina [ Online-Übung [ Grammatik [ Fremdsprachen