Ergebnis der Suche (3)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Freitext: S��UREST��RKE) und (Lernressourcentyp: UNTERRICHTSPLANUNG) ) und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) ) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT")

Es wurden 42 Einträge gefunden

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21 bis 30
  • Kinderarbeit in England

    Welches Ausmaß und welche Folgen die Kinderarbeit einst hatte und auch noch heute in manchen Ländern haben kann, erfahren die Schülerinnen und Schüler in dieser Unterrichtssequenz für Englisch oder den bilingualen Geschichtsunterricht (S. Schuch, lehrer-online 2005)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:783061" }

  • Art and Warfare: Warrior Role in Greek Society

    Students will discover how people's lives were influenced by the conditions experienced within the city-states, in particular, Sparta and Athens. Particular consideration is given to warfare (USA 1998-2019).

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  • Afghanistan by Choice

    Students analyze a short film illustrating differing opinions about whether or not the film's subjects should leave Afghanistan and debate whether the subjects should leave Afghanistan or stay (USA: Pulitzercenter / New York Times 2016-21)

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  • Learning About U.S. Immigration

    Dossier der New York Times (2010-20)

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  • Storytelling in Music - King Arthur and the Legends of the Round Table

    Legende trifft Rockmusik – Rick Wakeman´s Adaption von “King Arthur“ verbindet Musik- mit Sprachpraxis und schafft in Klasse 6/7 einen attraktiven Zugang zum Progressive Rock der 1970er Jahre und zur englischen Geschichte (Thüringer Schulportal 2017).

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  • A DUCK`S BILL ON CAPITOL HILL?: Taking a Stand on Wildlife Conservation Legislation

    In this lesson, students examine the positions of various parties on proposed federal ecosystem conservation legislation, including private property owners, legislators, and conservationists, in order to represent their perspectives in a class discussion. (NY Times Lesson 2005)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:32356" }

  • Waves of Destruction: Tsunamis (Tsunami Attack animation)

    Though it's true that tsunamis are ocean waves, calling them by the same name as the ordinary wind-driven variety is a bit like referring to firecrackers and atomic warheads both as ”explosives.” Triggered by volcanic eruptions, landslides, earthquakes, and even impacts by asteroids or comets, a tsunami represents a vast volume of seawater in motion -- the source of ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:25856" }

  • Balance of Payments

    International trade allows countries to buy and sell both domestic and foreign goods, as well as services and financial assets. A country's transactions are summarized in a set of accounts called the ʺBalance of Payments (BOP).ʺ Students will learn how to record transactions in the BOP accounts, and why the sum of the current account and capital account must equal zero ...

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  • Young People's Suit Over Climate Disruption Comes to Court

    Young people are suing the U.S. government over climate change, and their case comes before federal court on October 29, 2018. In this lesson, students examine the suit, read the personal testimony of two of the plaintiffs, and consider other strategies that young people are using to affect climate policy. (USA: Teachable Moments 2018)

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  • Nuclear Energy: What's Your Reaction?

    Nuclear energy is subject to intense debates over safety, cost, and long-term effects. Are the potential risks of nuclear power generation outweighed by the benefits in terms of reduced pollution and emissions from greenhouse gases? This 60-minute lesson plan, appropriate for middle school science, social studies, or language arts classrooms, engages students in discussing ...

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