Ergebnis der Suche (10)

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91 bis 100
  • Berkman Klein Center: Youth and Media

    This ongoing research project investigates the risks and opportunities of youth involvement in new technologies and social media platforms (Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University 2017-21).

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  • National Center for Education Statistics (USA)

    This federal entity collects and analyzes data related to education in the U.S.. NCES is located within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences (2018).

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  • Statistics at the Department for Education (UK)

    The British Department for Education publishes official statistics on education and children.

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  • Department for Education (UK)

    The Department for Education is responsible for children’s services and education, including early years, schools, higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills in England (2019).

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  • U.S. Department of Education

    The department administers federal financial aid for education, collects data on America's schools and tries to ensure equal access to education (2019).

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  • Teachable Moment Lessons

    These lessons help students to learn about, discuss, and engage in current issues, develop essential social and emotional skills, from active listening to standing up to bias (USA 2007-19).

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  • The Learning Network

      Teaching and Learning With The New York Times (2018)

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  • ThoughtCo: Resources for Educators

    ThoughtCo is a premier reference site fo science and math, humanities and religion, architecture and the arts, with a 20+ year focus on expert-created education content (USA 2020).

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    This collection of resources is designed to engage youth in computer science. K-12 instructors may want to start by checking out the Lesson Plan section, which features 28 lesson plans. (USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2017)

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  • Northstar Learning Guide

    Minnesota's Saint Paul Public Library offers this extensive guide designed to help librarians and others teach basic digital literacy skills (USA 2017).

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