Ergebnis der Suche (75)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: SCHULUNTERRICHT) und (Lernressourcentyp: UNTERRICHTSPLANUNG) ) und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH)

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741 bis 750
  • Immigration: Stories, Struggles and Debates

    Companion curriculum for Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide by Tatyana Kleyn. This curriculum unit is designed for high school students and offers lesson plans on various topics related to immigration issues, including current policy debates, the role of the media in shaping perceptions on immigration, and diverse immigrant experiences within the United States (USA ...

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  • Immigration

    Students learn how to evaluate economic and non-economic factors of immigration by assuming the roles of people who are affected by the migration of skilled and unskilled workers. They analyze the economic causes and effects of migration in relation to several important public policy issues, including the impact of immigration on wages in the United States and of emigration on ...

    { "HE": [] }

  • An Ailing Arkansas City Elected an 18-Year-Old Mayor

    In this lesson, students will consider what it takes to become an elected official at a young age, and identify a community issue they would tackle if they were mayor (USA: NYT 2023).

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  • Debating Workers' Rights at Walmart

    A wave of protests by Walmart workers highlights the low wages and anti-union climate facing workers at Walmart - and many other companies. In two readings, students explore the debate over Walmart’s business model and labor practices and find out about recent protests at Walmart stores across the country (Teachable Moment USA 2013-20).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1708300" }

  • Of Budgets and Bargaining

    In Wisconsin und anderen Staaten kam es 2011 zu Gewerkschaftsprotesten gegen Sparpolitik und Einschränkung gewerkschaftlicher Rechte. Die New York Times-Unterrichtseinheit gibt Anregungen zu einer Fallanalyse über Bedeutung und Rechte von Gewerkschaften in den USA (2011-15).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1119953" }

  • Onward and Upward?

    In this New York Times lesson, students learn about the correlation between job growth and poverty. They investigate how national trends in economics, labor and commerce are playing out in their area and then go into the community to photograph and compile evidence. They present their findings in a class-wide project (2010).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1013049" }

  • To Keep the Strike Going or to End It? That Was the Question

    Students will be able to describe the circumstances around the 1998 NBA players strike, to list the incentives that influenced player and owner decisions, to identify the costs and benefits the strike had on various groups. (EconEd 1999-2009)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:784181" }

  • Keynes vs. Hayek: The Rise of the Chicago School of Economics

    Students will:Learn about differences between Keynes’ and Hayek’s economic philosophies. Describe economic freedom according to Hayek and the Chicago School of Thought, and as current economists describe it. Explain how Keynes’ economic policies could limit economic freedom (EconEd 2006)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:267015" }

  • Learning about Rain Forests around the World

    In this lesson, students learn about rain forests around the world, using the Barro Colorado biological reserve in the Panama Canal as a starting point. They then take part in a mock international summit, in which they present information on the challenges facing these rain forests and the initiatives in place to preserve and protect them. (New York Times Lesson Plan ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:25879" }

  • Erdkunde auf Englisch - Jahrgangsstufe 7 (Gymnasium)

    Schüler der 7. Klasse setzen sich am Beispiel der Kulturräume Schwarzafrika, Orient, Russland mit der natürlichen Ausstattung von Räumen und der Lebensweise der dort lebenden Menschen auseinander. Sie setzen sich außerdem mit Eingriffen des Menschen in Ökosysteme und den damit verbundenen Gefährdungen der Umwelt auseinander und erwerben vertiefte Kenntnisse aus den ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1160416" }

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