Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Freitext: AMERICA) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE I") ) und (Systematikpfad: POLITIK) ) und (Lernressourcentyp: UNTERRICHTSPLANUNG)

Es wurden 6 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 6
  • Wealth Inequality in America

    This activity uses a 6-minute video about wealth inequality that has gone viral on the internet with small-group activities to help students explore what they think U.S. wealth distribution currently is, what they think it should be, what it actually is, and what they might do about it (TeachableMoment USA 2013-20).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1708299" }

  • 50 years after The Other America: POVERTY IN THE U.S.

    In this lesson, readings focus on the debate about who should count as poor in this country and proposals for combating poverty (Teachable Moment USA 2012-20).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1708304" }

  • 50 years after The Other America: POVERTY IN THE U.S.

    Two student readings, with discussion questions, consider the state of poverty in the U.S. (Teachable Moment USA 2012-20).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1708303" }

  • A New Child Labor Crisis in America

    In this lesson, students will learn about how migrant children work brutal jobs across the United States. Then they consider what they would do if they were president (USA: NYT 2023).

    { "HE": [] }

  • How Courts Work

    The American Bar Association (ABA), a voluntary association of lawyers and law students, hosts an excellent web page designed to detail the intricacies of how courts in America actually work (2020).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2850089" }

  • Red or Blue? The 2020 U.S. Elections

    Wahlen in den USA 2020 (englisch und deutsch) Fertige, englischsprachige Unterrichtsreihe, wobei die Hintergrundinformationen (auch) auf deutsch sind. Es gibt vier Themenfelder mit Arbeitsblättern und Lösungen: A: Germany and the United States of America B: How the President of the U.S. is Elected C: The Big Issues of the 2020 Campaign D: Donald Trump‘s Presidency: The ...

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00016839" }

Vorschläge für alternative Suchbegriffe:

[ Englisch [ Gesellschaft [ United [ Stephen [ Politik und Wirtschaft [ Kommunikative Fertigkeiten [ Hörverstehen [ Dream [ Didaktische Grundlageninformation [ Constitution [ Fremdsprachenunterricht [ Politische Bildung [ Deutschland [ Politischer Unterricht [ Politische Erziehung [ Geschichte