Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: AMERICA) und (Lernressourcentyp: ARBEITSMATERIAL) ) und (Bildungsebene: "SEKUNDARSTUFE II")

Es wurden 9 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 9
  • Black America

    Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 12/2018

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  • Democracy in America

    ʺA comprehensive video course for high school teachers on civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions based on an established civics framework.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter (Annenberg, 2020)

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  • America in the 30s

    Sammlung von Links und Resourcen, tw. allerdings veraltet oder nicht mehr erreichbar.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2785697" }

  • Ethnic Visions of the United States of America

    This e-reader was compiled for the U.S. Embassy Teacher Academy 2007 (2015)  

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1185661" }

  • Voice of America: All about America (TV und Radio)

    Podcasts, Livestreams u.v.m. zu aktuellen Themen. Die Medienplattform beschreibt sich selbst so: ʺVoice of America (VOA) is the largest U.S. international broadcaster, providing news and information in more than 40 languages to an estimated weekly audience of more than 280 million people. VOA produces content for digital, television, and radio platforms. It is easily ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:111761" }

  • America - United States - American Literature

    To find out more information about books from the United States, take a look at these resources. Read more about American literature like ʺLeaves of Grass,ʺ ʺThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,ʺ ʺThe Awakening,ʺ ʺMy Antonia,ʺ ʺThe Great Gatsby,ʺ and other works. Also, take a look at periods and movements in American literature.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1638887" }

  • Making a Difference in 2018

    ʺEven during a year of division and fear of the future in many corners of America, the Fixes column found people trying to make things better — and succeeding.ʺ ʺWhat difference can one ordinary person make?Here are six people Fixes wrote about in the last year who show what the answer can be: a lot.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter (NYT / 2018)

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  • AIFS Foundation - Schüleraustausch USA

    Academic Year in America (AIFS) brings international high school students ages 15–18 to the US to live with American host families for a semester or academic year to live with a volunteer host family and attend the local high school and participate in their host families’ social and community life. an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides grants and ...

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  • Rassismus verlernen: wie Schule dazu beitragen kann!

    Dieser Fachartikel zum Thema Rassismus nimmt Bezug auf seine Entstehungsgeschichte, greift aktuelles Zeitgeschehen auf und stellt die schulische Relevanz des Themas heraus. Gleichzeitig werden Möglichkeiten zur antirassistischen Bildungsarbeit vorgestellt.

    { "LO": "DE:LO:de.lehrer-online.ar_1001833" }

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[ Englisch [ United [ Stephen [ Politik und Wirtschaft [ Kommunikative Fertigkeiten [ Hörverstehen [ Dream [ Constitution [ Didaktische Grundlageninformation [ Politischer Unterricht [ Politische Erziehung [ Politische Bildung [ Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht [ Weiterbildung [ Lehrerfortbildung [ Geographieunterricht