Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: "HISTORY LESSONS")

Es wurden 7 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 7
  • TED History Lessons

    Im Bereich TED ED ist seit 2012 eine wachsende Bibliothek von Erklärvideos zu unterschiedlichsten Themen entstanden.

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  • How democratic was the Roman Republic?

    Students explore parts of the political system of the Roman Republic and consider how democratic the Roman government was (USA: Stanford 2021).

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  • Reign of Terror

    In this lesson, students question the motives of the Committee of Public Safety through analyzing excerpts from the ʺDecree Against Profiteersʺ and the ʺLaw of Suspects.ʺ (USA: Stanford 2021)

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  • The Cold War

    In this lesson, students explore a variety of documents highlighting various issues and perspectives that led to the Cold War and address the question: Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War, the United States or the Soviet Union? (USA: Stanford 2021)

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  • Factory Life

    How do you make sense of contrasting accounts of historical events? What makes one source more reliable than another? How does corroborating information across sources help confirm or discredit historical accounts? In this lesson, students engage in such questions as they evaluate and compare different types of primary source documents with different perspectives on working ...

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  • Nazi Propaganda

    To justify the annexation of Austria, Hitler called for a public vote on whether the unification should stand. In this lesson, students analyze and compare three different forms of propaganda that influenced the vote – a speech delivered by Hitler, a campaign poster, and a voting ballot (USA: Stanford 2021).

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  • Lernen aus der Geschichte

    Dieses Webportal publiziert mehrsprachig fortlaufend Projekte aus Schulen, Gedenkstätten und Einrichtungen der historisch-politischen Bildung zu den Themen Nationalsozialismus, Holocaust, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Menschenrechte sowie zur Auseinandersetzung darüber heute.

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Vorschläge für alternative Suchbegriffe:

[ resistance [ persecution [ minorities [ lessons [ history and citizenship education [ genocide [ further education [ Third Reich [ Shoah [ School [ Pädagogik [ Nazi era [ Nationalsozialismus [ National Socialism [ NS-Staat [ Museumspädagogik