Bilingualer Unterricht - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

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  • British Museum: Money

    What is money? How is money made? Money can tell us so much about the people who make and use it. (2009)

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  • Earth, Climate, and Change: Observing Human Impact

    In this collection, students will use photographs as data to observe and identify changes over time in water-related features such as coastlines or glaciers (USA: Annenberg 2020).

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  • Weltbank: World Development Report

    Der Weltentwicklungsbericht ist ein seit 1978 jährlich veröffentlichter Bericht der Weltbank, der jeweils einem übergreifenden und für die aktuelle Entwicklungsdiskussion bedeutsamen Thema gewidmet ist (englisch, 2010-23).

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  • BBC World Service

    News from all corners of the world, also a section titled ʺSpecial Reportsʺ (2009-22)  

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  • The Fragile States Index

    The Fund for Peace, USA, ranks the countries where state collapse may be just one disaster away (2008-19).

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  • Earthquakes for Kids

    The website provides earthquake science information for reducing deaths, injuries, and property damage from earthquakes through understanding of their characteristics and effects (U.S. Geological Survey 2009-20).

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  • Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization

    The Digital Atlas allows spatial and temporal analyses of all aspects of the civilizations of western Eurasia in the first 1500 years of our era, as well as the generation of original maps illustrating differing aspects of ancient and medieval civilization (USA, Harvard University 2010-18).

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  • Höhle von Lascaux

    The Paleolithic caves of Lascaux (near the Pyrenees) were closed to the public in 1963, so this site is the only way to see them up close. Students can ʺdiscoverʺ by taking a virtual tour through the caves, noting artwork and geological wonders along the way (2015).

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  • Odyssey Online

    Odyssey Online leads on an exploration of Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and sub-Saharan African as well as American cultures  (Grade Level: 6-8). (USA 2010-19)

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  • Map Collections 1500-1999

    The Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress lists on this site its thematic collections (USA 2010-18)

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