Prevention of early school leaving: report on the national situation in Germany Länderbericht (pdf) - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / s c h o o l i n c l u s i o n . p i x e l - o n l i n e . o r g / f i l e s / n a t i o n a l _ r e p o r t / N a t i o n a l _ R e p o r t _ D E . p d f

This review starts with an introduction to the situation of school absenteeism in Germany. In the first chapter, the German school system is presented. The second chapter contains statistical information. Estimated ten percent of the 12 million students in Germany seem to skip school on a regular basis, and 500,000 young people can be defined as chronic truants. Reasons are manifold – usually an interaction between individual variables, school conditions and family background (see chapter 3). Chapter 4 and 5 give an overview of the main national bodies in charge and policies implemented to reduce the drop out rate. Chapter 6 deals with selected strategies developed at national and local level to prevent early school leaving. In chapter 7 approaches are shown containing important aspects that have to be considered when developing a training initiative. Experiences shows that a successful prevention approach will focus on the interaction between three central areas: school, family, and external institutions. Summaries of case studies and interviews with a head master and two public officers are placed in the following chapter. The last chapter contains recommendations for public education authorities, headmasters, teachers, and parents that have to be acknowledged when designing a training manual.


Dlugosch, Gabrielle E.;

Lange Beschreibung:

This review starts with an introduction to the situation of school absenteeism in Germany. In the first chapter, the German school system is presented. The second chapter contains statistical information. Estimated ten percent of the 12 million students in Germany seem to skip school on a regular basis, and 500,000 young people can be defined as chronic truants. Reasons are manifold – usually an interaction between individual variables, school conditions and family background (see chapter 3). Chapter 4 and 5 give an overview of the main national bodies in charge and policies implemented to reduce the drop out rate. Chapter 6 deals with selected strategies developed at national and local level to prevent early school leaving. In chapter 7 approaches are shown containing important aspects that have to be considered when developing a training initiative. Experiences shows that a successful prevention approach will focus on the interaction between three central areas: school, family, and external institutions. Summaries of case studies and interviews with a head master and two public officers are placed in the following chapter. The last chapter contains recommendations for public education authorities, headmasters, teachers, and parents that have to be acknowledged when designing a training manual.


Sekundarstufe I Sekundarstufe II

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Keine Angabe, es gilt die gesetzliche Regelung


Beispiel EU-Projekt Fallstudie Länderbericht Schulschwänzen Schulsystem Statistik

freie Schlagwörter:

Schulabgang; Schulabbruch; statistische Daten






Schule Schulwesen allgemein
Schule Schulwesen allgemein Schulsystem, Organisation

Geeignet für:

Lehrer; Schüler